These days are difficult....
a time when I feel so alienated
I see my whole life playing in front of me....i can actually see me doing one thing and then another......and then another....again and again.....
and dont know whats the purpose of it
why am I here? what am I really supposed to do?
Im told everyone is doing it so i must do it too...
do what?
existing..!working....eating......partying..boozing.....being that living?
no time to breathe.... to sit calm..... to understand another human being...
isnt life supposed to be more than that?
just existing..???for shits sake...!!!!
doing what everyone is doing?
is not life about being...
being in sync with your soul.....
feeling bliss....
when will the business of
have to exist end....???
when will i live...
when???when will everyone live.............