My Soul! You seem afar, as I gaze at you through the windows of my eyes,
And as I sit in quiet meditation of you, my Beloved, I see and feel you and only you!
My heart seems to have found its way into yours, My Lord!
And having found its true place is quivering in delight!
For me, My Love! you are my only hope,
And with you in my heart, I can spend my entire life in peace!
I live with you in me and wish to die with your name on my lips
And my world is in you and in you is my world! My Lord!
My Soul! I dream of us day and night,
And hope that each of our dreams may come true!
All my waking moments are spent in thinking about you,My Soul!
And I feel your fragrance and presence in my sleep!
My lord! my only fear is for our innocent and pure love,
And that it may reach its zenith , without any more pain and betrayals from this world!