Monday, 21 March 2011

taking love for granted...

How many times does one take another for granted in the name of love?
I believe love should be unconditional.... it helps you to be a better excel...
when you  have love on your side, you soar to great heights...
you are free to explore, because you are sure you have a loyal person on your side who prays for you and wants the best for you....
I am  so happy , when I see the potential in a human being to become a compassionate, wonderful  human being.....
but selfishness takes over and priorities change and then, there is nothing to be done but weep in loss!

What a loss , a half developed human being, before he reached his potential he gave up and went back  to being a frightened, greedy,  selfish ,poor person... who  chose money over love....
who chose to just  exist  and not  to live happily with the one person who understood him completely ... he is doomed to a life of aloneness and sadness.

He is stingy and selfish, for the most deserving person and then later he discovers that he has lost everything to the least deserving one.....that is the most saddest part of his life...
he could be the Bestest... but he chose to be nothing!


just as I am said...

" I wish I could love the world better... but no, the world would never allow me do it!
I wish I could know the world better... but no, the world would never show me all her secrets!
I wish I could be a child tramping the world carefree... but no, the world has a different plan for me... I am a pilgrim with a load of cares walking my way to eternity... Come, walk with me my friend "

beach b. said...

how've u been rosh?

Rosh said...

hey, namesake!
how have you been? was wondering about you!
u can write to me on my email