Monday 9 June 2008

Le Annoyables......

eg.(a)Ive just made some fresh tea, pumped up the cushions,taken out the book mark from the current book that im reading,have read ten lines and ....the door bell rings......
eg(b) At the end of a working day,have found, a window seat on the empty local train waiting at the station, theres another 10 minutes for the train start...hmmmm took out shoes, propped up my tired feet on the opposite seat and tried to relax......and there comes a bunch of college girls and want to sit on the very spot where ive propped my feet....arghhhhhhhhhhh
2.People who dont understand punch lines and except me to explain PUNCH LINES...
3.People who stretch their mouth and think it resembles a smile......

1 comment:

Sir Hubertus Ponsonby said...

one way to EXPLAIN a punch line is to punch that someone in the face. that is how annoying i find it when people don't get my jokes. especially considering that my wit is almost the ONLY thing i have going for me. which is also why i don't have my photo up here