Thursday 21 January 2010

the plan...

The last week in Mumbai... for a long time to come.....
I had made plans....
did I tell u I make plans all the time?( dreaming is my passion).....
none of my dreams have come true.....( irony!!!)
but its no use....
nothing happens according to plan....
because my plans do not involve me alone...
Ive realised that if my plans have to be successful, there is a whole lot of logistics at work...
why should anyone be happy and decide to make my last week happy?
I mean, it is the last week....
so why bother....
who cares if its my first or last?
Im going......
that is the most important thing...Im going...
that proves a lot of things.....
most of all,
that I cannot force anyone to do anything...
my love and feelings are meaning less......
it does not matter.....
nothing does....
but Ive to survive.....yes SURVIVE.....

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